Tips & Tricks
In this day and age, it is barely possible to invest your time in creative hobbies. Investing in a hobby which would keep you engaged and interested even after days go by is hard. If you are looking for one such activity to keep your brain active and creativity intact, then "DIY Diamonds Painting" is something you will enjoy.
However, before you get started with the task, getting equipped with some hands-on diamond painting tips and tricks that might help you through is going to be of great help. To assist you further, we have compiled a list of tips below that will make the activity much more fun for you and eradicate any chances of you making errors that might affect the end results.
1. Use your study table to provide your canvas a flat surface!
You need a plain and flat surface right under your canvas, for perfect results. Therefore, It’s better to be seated before your study table while painting or on the floor in a comfortable position before you begin.
2. Use a cutting board
In case, you do not have a small study table to place your canvas in a downright straight position, you can make the most of your kitchen appliances here. A cutting board is good enough to accommodate your canvas and would leave you enough space to keep the result of the essentials close by too.
3. Sandwich the canvas between two thick books to straighten it out.
Place the canvas in the midst of two thick books for about half an hour after you unroll it. This would help flatten it out and prepare it for the job ahead.
4. Bring in multi-diamond applicator tool to boost the process.
You will be bored and tired of picking tens of hundreds of diamonds one by one, won’t you? Using such a tool would make you fix a number of diamonds in one attempt
5. Use an empty egg carton for a giant collection of diamonds.
Why spend money on buying something when you can make do with the things that you have at home already. If you have an empty egg carton, you can gather each diamond-category in different segments it has. It will save you money of a large tray.
6. Use a diamond storage and split box for the diamonds.
To place the diamonds safely and separately, using jewelry/makeup box is a good idea. This will prevent them from getting lost and would help keep things assembled for you